Sunday, May 30, 2010

where can I get a job like that?

2 years ago Nepal elected the 601 boofheads I referred to earlier to write a constitution, and as you all know they were running out of time. Well Friday was their deadline, and all of a sudden there was a flurry of official cars whizzing to and fro, people trying to make last minute deals and general watching of TV all day by the 'denizens of the Valley'. When I got home just after 10pm, the TV was showing all the female parliamentarians standing up and jeering non stop while the countdown clock ticked down the minutes. I gave up and went to sleep. I awoke yesterday to discover that these people who were given a 2 year contract which they failed to fulfil had voted to give themselves another 12 months to fail. How fantastic!
So no strikes, for now, but the PM (who was rejected by the voters but still got to run the country?!@*) will be resigning and the race is on to decide who will be next in charge. It looks as though the Maoists will have another turn at the job, many favour Prachanda who was the recent Maoist PM, although the Indians are said to favour Maoist number 2, Dr Bhattarai, because he went to Nehru University in India.....
I had to endure another evening of no sleep when I was invaded by mice the other evening, who managed to get into my unopened emergency supply of pretzels. Munch munch crunch all night! So Keshab and I constructed a barricade on the balcony door which seems to have kept the rascals out for the last 2 nights.

 And here is my fabulous balcony!

Robin is now having a day off at another hot a-springs place called Laya, and has only about 2 weeks left to trek in Bhutan. And I think he will be pretty pleased to stop.
Meanwhile I have a very busy day today - breakfast, Sunday roast at the Sterling Club (today this is chicken with peach pie for dessert) with a friend, trying on the outfit for the wedding, and a party down the road. Phew.
Thamel has been rather busy the last few nights as the last of the mountaineering expeditions returns. But I expect that they will all be going home in the next few days as they tend not to hang around too long, since they have probably been away for 2 months or more.
And in regional news, police in the Punjab in India have arrested a pigeon for spying. The pigeon was spotted by a 'vigilant villager' (try saying that after a few drinks) and was discovered with a Pakistani phone number on a ring around its leg, and police believe it may have carried a note - which they haven't found yet! The pigeon is being held in solitary confinement. I have no idea how they plan to interrogate it.
Just in case you don't believe me:spying pigeon nabbed by cops
Right then, bed tea has arrived so I'm off.

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