Monday, April 19, 2010

Sad day in Hauz Khas

Well Sunday wasn't much chop of a day as it happened. After the incident of breakfast, all of a sudden there was drama, as Carmen's driver, Prem called from his home to say he wasn't feeling well. The other driver went to his house to take him to hospital (I think, everything is rather mish mashed right now) whereupon poor Prem died of a heart attack. It was a complete shock to everyone. So then Luis (Raj and Carmen's son) and Carmen and Louella (the delightful teacher who lives upstairs) went to see Prem's wife and teenage son. The whole day was spent with people coming and going, and Luis has done a wonderful job arranging for Prem's body to go to the morgue at Lodhi gardens, where the cremation is taking place as I write. It has shaken the whole street, as all the staff used to gather outside when they weren't working (guards, chowkidars and drivers) and gossip and drink tea etc, so they all know each other very well. So I am minding the house and making sure Hydra the cat drinks enough water.
I didn't tell you that she likes to drink out of the tap - it's pretty funny and I must try to get a video of it. Not that you will get to see it.
So Robin had a lovely day in Tawang yesterday. They went to Nawang of Tawang's place to meet his family, and then they went to visit the oldest man in town (102) and his 96 year old wife. They heard all about when Arunachal was part of Tibet, and how it is still subject to border disputes between India and China. Sounds like a very jolly day. They were to meet up with the anthropologist last evening - she's from Assam not Berkeley (bad translation obviously) - and wander around the market. Today in Tawang there is a big religious festival, so everything will be closed, except the monastery which will be doing a roaring trade. Robin then plans to head up to a home stay village for 2 nights before coming through Tezpur to meet me in Guwahati.
The blasted swimming pool is closed again for cleaning - hope they aren't hosting the Commonwealth Games at this one - so I am pretty cross with them as I paid a lot of money to join and this is twice in just over 2 weeks that it has been closed for 2 or more days. I think they omitted to connect the pump to the electricity - or something like that. So I am trying to think of something to do today that I can do which is: cool, enjoyable, gets me near some shops as I need to buy a few grocery type items, and is FUN. Any ideas? Maybe I should go to Ice Lounge at Saket - where everything (even the seats) is made of ice - I'm sure there would be a supermarket of some description there......

May Prem's soul find peace.